Good Turn Society

The Good Turn Society of Scouting America recognizes generous benefactors who are passionate about preserving the mission, vision, and values of Scouting.

Scouting America is deeply grateful to Scouters and other investors who desire to “do a Good Turn” to ensure the future of Scouting through their generous financial gifts. We are stewards of these legacy gifts representing the devotion of Scouting’s benefactors and the importance of their extraordinary investments in the future of the Scouting movement.

Members of the Good Turn Society exemplify all that is most admirable about Scouting, including a commitment to service above self, a drive to go above and beyond to achieve an important goal, a willingness to be a model for others, and the courage to demonstrate leadership through their investment in Scouting.

Good Turn Society members are truly heroes of Scouting.

Giving Levels

Gifts to operating, capital needs, and endowments all qualify for Good Turn Society recognition. Estate gifts also are eligible for inclusion in the Good Turn Society. Good Turn Society levels are cumulative across all local councils and the national organization, as well as over each donor’s lifetime.

Giving levels are as follows:

Good Turn Member                                       $25,000–$99,999 (yellow)

Good Turn members of the Good Turn Society ensure the sustainability of Scouting now and for the next century and beyond. Just as Scouts and Scouters are urged to do a Good Turn daily, members of the Good Turn Society ensure that each day in Scouting is memorable and vital for our youth.

*All donors with cumulative gifts of $25,000 and above are members of the Good Turn Society. A Good Turn member is a Good Turn Society member who has given at the level of more than $25,000 but less than $100,000.

Scout Law Member                                        $100,000–$499,999 (red)

Scout Law members of the Good Turn Society are as fundamental to the success of Scouting as the 12 points of the Scout Law are to every Scout. By following each point of Scout Law, Scouts act with integrity and act as role models for others. Scout Law members of the Good Turn Society are truly modeling loyalty to Scouting.

Scout Oath Member                                      $500,000–$999,999 (blue)

The Scout Oath includes a solemn pledge “to help other people at all times.” As a Scout Oath member of the Good Turn Society, those who have donated and/or pledged financial support at this level are living examples of the Scout Oath.

On My Honor Member                                  $1M–$4,999,999 (green)

Scouters believe that fulfilling an obligation or keeping an agreement is the hallmark of those who pledge “On my honor.” Those who give at the On My Honor level of the Good Turn Society demonstrate an enduring promise to Scouting.

Duty to Others Member                                 $5M–$9,999,999 (purple)

Scouts do their part in any worthwhile endeavor for the good of others. Keeping Scouting strong for future generations is considered the ultimate duty that all Duty to Others members of the Good Turn Society profess and uphold through their gifts to sustain the Scouting movement.

Good Citizen Member                                    $10M–$14,999,999 (bronze)

A good citizen understands the importance of taking responsibility, protecting, and providing for others. In Scouting, Good Citizen members of the Good Turn Society exemplify an understanding that they are providing for the future of Scouts who will, in turn, become good citizens.

Servant Leader Member                                $15M–$24,999,999 (silver)

Service above self encompasses the actions taken by servant leaders who demonstrate unselfish generosity for the good of others. In Scouting, a Servant Leader member of the Good Turn Society represents the best of Scouting ideals and is the epitome of what it means to be a Scout.

WP Society Member                                      $25M and higher (gold)

In May 2007, the WP Society was established to promote and recognize transformational legacy gifts to Scouting. The initials WP were chosen to honor the Waite Phillips family for the most significant gift given to Scouting during the 20th century, Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. It is no coincidence that the first WP Society member of this century also has the initials WP: Wayne Perry. Legacy gifts from Wayne and Christine Perry are derived from true leadership by example in lighting the path for others.

Visionary Leader Distinction                         Planned Gift at any level (orange)

Scouting America seeks to recognize those visionary philanthropists whose belief in the Scouting mission and vision reaches past their own lifetimes. All gifts to the Good Turn Society made via a planned gift (through a last will or other bequest) also receive “Visionary Leader Distinction” within their current giving level.