Recruitment Resources
The One Stop Shop for Recruitment page contains recruitment materials to help our unit leaders successfully advertise and conduct joining events year-round.
The One Stop Shop for Recruitment page also contains membership campaign management resources to help our districts’ leadership teams strategically plan and prepare successful year-round membership recruitment plans.
Certificates of Insurance
Units may request a Certificate of General Liability Insurance from the Council.
Adopt a School Resources
The National Capital Area Council’s Adopt-a-School program connects local Scouting units with schools across the Washington D.C. region to build meaningful, sustained community relationships.
Uniform and Gear for Scouts
Scouting America National Capital Area Council and the History & Archives Committee present the Helping Other Scout Troops Incorporate Needed Gear (H.O.S.T.I.N.G for short) program. Turn in your old Scout Uniforms, Cub Scout Uniforms, Uniform parts (any size, any era), and usable camping gear to help others in need!