Cub Scout Approved Campsites

Certified Camping Areas for Pack Overnighters

Packs can conduct overnight campouts.  A pack overnight campout can be a great way to get to know the families in the pack and to work on outdoor adventures. Packs may not conduct campouts longer than overnight.  The location is a site that is approved by the local council.  In order to conduct a pack overnight campout at least one registered adult leader who is attending the campout must complete Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) training.

The Council Camping committee has established a process to maintain the approved list of Pack overnight campsites and review/approve new sites.  New campsites submissions should be made on BSA Form 430-902, Pack Overnight Campout Site Appraisal Form to 

This .pdf fillable form is available at:  Pack Overnight Campout Appraisal Form

The submitted form and campsite will be accessed by a representative of the NCAC Camping Committee, Cub Scout camping subcommittee and forwarded to Council with a recommendation for approval or disapproval.  The goal is to complete the approval or disapproval decision within 30 days of submission via the email.  District and Units are not authorized to approve campsites for Pack overnight campouts per the Guide to Safe Scouting.

Packs can conduct overnight campouts.  A pack overnight campout can be a great way to get to know the families in the pack and to work on outdoor adventures.  Packs may conduct campouts for two (2) consecutive nights.  In order to conduct an pack overnight campout at least one registered adult leader who is attending the campout must complete Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) training.  If a Pack camps at a location that is not approved, the liability for incidents falls completely on unit leadership.

NCAC only approves campsites within the Council boundaries. If a Pack wants to camp outside of the Council boundaries, the Pack needs to obtain approval from the Council where the campsite is located. Links to nearby Councils is included in the complete list of approved campsites.