Ready to test your limits?
Venturing is a year-round program for young men and women ages 14-20 (or 13 and have completed 8th grade) that provides positive experiences through exciting and meaningful youth-run activities that help them pursue their special interests, grow by teaching others, and develop leadership skills.
If you are looking for handouts and information to give at a recruitment event or night your Crew is putting on….click on the LINK and it will take you to an order form – the packets are FREE!!! Make sure you have a few weeks before your event to ensure enough time for shipping from National.
Click here for more information about Venturing.
Venturing is youth led!
Our council’s Venturing program is led by our National Capital Area Council Venturing Officers Association. This team of youth works together to define the vision that creates our council Venturing events. We encourage you to learn about our CVOA, and to come participate in the great events they put on each year.
- NCAC Venturing Officer’s Association
- NCAC Venturing Officer’s Association Facebook Page
Lead the adventure!
Start today by Finding a Venturing crew near you!
Youth Application: English and Spanish