
Prepared for Life - Spanish

Why Join?

Scouting America gives young people the opportunity to explore a world beyond the boundaries of everyday life.
It presents them with chances to:
  • try new things and have adventures,
  • provide service to others,
  • build self-confidence,
  • reinforce ethical standards, and
  • develop leadership and academic skills.
These experiences help Scouts while they are young, and stay with them throughout their adult lives, helping them to grow into exceptional men and women who respect their families, communities, religions, countries and themselves and are Prepared. For Life.


Scouting has helped mold the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun

For more than 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, these values are just as relevant in helping youth grow to their full potential as they were in 1910.

Meet 114 Scouts who have become famous.

The Scouting Edge

A recent study conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Scouting America shows that those who have been involved in Scouting as youth or adults have what we are calling a “Scouting edge.”

The enduring value of Scouting continues to give youth an edge in life and places them on a path toward success.

Scouts and Alumni strongly believe that hard work is a key value and they see honesty as a critical behavior for the world and themselves. They are more likely to engage in positive behaviors, and more likely to act in ways that are considered ethical and moral. Scouting has positive effects on one’s leadership abilities and the competency to help others accomplish their goals.


While various activities and youth groups teach basic skills and promote teamwork, Scouting goes beyond that and encourages youth to achieve a deeper appreciation for service to others in their community.

In Scouting selflessness and kindness towards others are celebrated and important to being a good citizen.

Better Equipped for Life.

Scouting promotes activities that lead to personal responsibility and high self-esteem. As a result, when hard decisions have to be made, peer pressure can be resisted and the right choices can be made.

Read Study links Scouting with better mental health later in life


Outdoor adventure is the promise made to young people when they join Scouting. In the outdoors we strive to meet the Aims of Scouting. Scouts have opportunities to acquire skills that make them more self-reliant. They can explore canoe and hiking trails and complete challenges they first thought were beyond their ability. Scouts who are challenged with outdoor adventures are pushed physically and mentally to accomplish tasks from start to finish, building confidence and a positive outlook.

Set Up for Success.

Scouting for young men and women helps meet six essential needs of the young people growing up in our society:

  • Mentoring
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Faith Traditions
  • Serving Others
  • Healthy Living
  • Building Character.

Scouting Programs

Scouting America offers five unique programs which all prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

Cub Scouts

Year-round program for young boys and girls ages 5-10 and their families

Scouts BSA

Year-round outdoor program to develop character, citizenship, leadership, and fitness for boys and girls ages 11-17


Year-round program for young men and women ages 14-20 (or 13 and have completed 8th grade)

Sea Scouts

Year-round program for young men and women ages 14-20 (or 13 and have completed 8th grade) - adventures on/in water


Real-World, Hands-on Career Discovery - for young men and women ages 14-20 (or 13 and have completed 8th grade)

Interested in learning more?

Scouting happens in a Cub Scout Pack, a Scouts BSA Troop, a Venturing Crew, an Explorer Post, or a Sea Scout Ship. To find one near you, visit and explore the map.
Want to learn some more?
Email to get in touch with a staff member in your neighborhood.
Or call 301-530-9360.