Eagle Scout Information

NCAC Eagle Scout Procedures Guide

The NCAC Eagle Scout Procedures Guide provides guidance to Life Scouts and Scouters in the NCAC on the policies and procedures relating to the Eagle rank and to address commonly asked questions and issues. This information is intended to supplement Scouting America publications. It is not intended to answer all questions. National Scouting America policies and procedures, as stated in national publications, have precedence over this document.

The Eagle Scout Service Project

The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook is an “expandable” PDF. This fillable PDF document contains new functionalities for this electronic workbook that include expandable text boxes and the ability to insert images in JPEG, GIF, TIF, and PNG formats and much much more:

A two-page brochure was recently made available by the National Advancement Team and is intended for a project beneficiary interested in helping a Life Scout with their Eagle Scout Service Project.

The Guide to Safe Scouting provides information applicable to a Scout’s Eagle Scout Service Project. The first is the age guidelines for the use of hand tools and power tools, working heights and elevations, and excavations. The second is a list of service project planning guidelines that should appear in the Final Plan section of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.

The Eagle Scout Rank Application and Board of Review

The Eagle Scout Rank Application (ESRA) is updated annually, so Scouts (and Scouters) need to make sure they are using the most current version. This form is completed when all requirements for the rank of Eagle (except the board of review) have been completed. The NCAC Eagle Scout Procedures Guide provides detailed instructions for completing the application, having it reviewed and initialed by the District Eagle Representative, and then sent to the council service center for verification.

  • Eagle Scout Rank Application (ESRA) for non-Scoutbook users
    Scoutbook users may download the ESRA by going to the bottom of the Scout’s page, selecting Reports, then clicking on Eagle Application. A PDF version of the ESRA will open with the information from Scoutbook filled in. Save the file, then update as needed.
    [The ESRA may now be generated by the unit Key3 & Advancement Chair from Internet Advancement as well.]

NCAC is required by Scouting America policy to verify all Eagle Scout Rank Applications prior to the Board of Review. This verification ensures that all the Scouts’ dates, requirements, and merit badges are accurate before the candidate sits for their Eagle Board of Review. This procedure reduces errors in submitted ESRAs and improves the overall processing time at the NCAC. The following document mirrors the procedures in the NCAC Eagle Scout Procedures Guide.

Eagle Scout Boards of Review may be conducted via videoconferencing (VTC). The intent for VTC is for “those rare situations where it is unreasonable to expect a Scout to travel long distances or to wait several months, it is permissible to use videoconferencing.” Pursuant to bullet #1, the NCAC Advancement and Recognition committee approves the use of VTCs for Eagle Scout Boards of Review when circumstances do not permit an in-person board of review.” (GTA

Extension Guidance

We cannot diminish or alter in any way the Eagle Scout Rank Requirements spelled out in the current Scouts BSA Handbook. The Guide to Advancement (GTA) does includes policies where, through no fault of their own, the Life Scout cannot actively participate in the Troop and meet all the requirements by their 18th birthday. NCAC has the authority to grant limited extensions of time to complete Eagle, Quartermaster, or Summit requirements. This extension is available only to youth members who complete their Life Board of Review before they turn 18 and who qualify under the three tests listed in The Guide to Advancement (GTA) section Time Extensions (which is linked here and posted at www.scouting.org/advancement. The process for requesting and reviewing a time extension is outlined in GTA section The form can be found at

When submitting the form and other paperwork, please include the Scout’s name in any electronic file names. Send the request form and supporting information to the following individuals:

Submitting a request form begins the approval process. You will not receive a decision until you have submitted ALL the information that is essential to understand your request and progress toward Eagle. Among the common failures made when submitting a request:

  1. Putting down “TBD” for an expected completion date for one or more of the Eagle requirements.
  2. Failing to list the Merit Badges pending completion, describing what remains undone, and estimating the expected date of completion.
  3. Failing to describe the proposed project, the amount of progress made toward completion, and the expected date for when the work will be done.
  4. Failing to complete a Scoutmaster conference. Note: The Guide to Advancement clearly states that the Scoutmaster conference does NOT need to be the last Eagle requirement completed. This is particularly true for a Life Scout applying for an extension. Scouts can have multiple Scoutmaster conferences while working on a rank. Some Scoutmasters hold one or more Scoutmaster conferences to gauge a Scout’s progress and offer encouragement while holding a final one just before the Board of Review. Any of these conferences can count for the requirement “A Scout participated in a Scoutmaster conference.”

Delay is not your friend. The longer it takes to gather and submit the information needed to allow Council to make a decision, the longer uncertainty will linger.

Completing a request for extension is NOT a requirement for the rank of Eagle. A Scout does not have to do this alone. For that reason, it is appropriate that a Scout get help from supportive adults, including parents/guardians, unit leaders, and other caring individuals. In our opinion, it is preferable that a Scout focus on their advancement while adults help with gathering the information needed to provide Council the data essential to making a decision on a request for extension. Of course, adults will need to confer with the Scout on timelines and other commitments that only the Scout can make.

If a requestor either fails to answer all questions within 30 days or does not respond to our request for additional information in under 30 days, Council will consider the request as having been abandoned and will close it. A requestor can revive the request at any time by providing all missing information.

An appeal process has also been established if we deny an extension. This process is outlined in GTA section and includes a separate form linked at

National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award

The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by a Scout to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity. The award recognizes the Scout for their Eagle Scout leadership service project. Each year, local councils select a council-level winner, and each region selects a region-level winner from that pool. A national winner is then selected from the four regional finalists. Click here to download and complete the application.

Other resources

Visit the National online advancement resources page for other Eagle Scout resources and forms.

For questions about the Eagle Scout Rank or other advancement questions, please contact your District Advancement & Recognition Chair.