COVID-19 Virus Guidance

NCAC Post-COVID Guidance


As its top priority, the Council is committed to the health and safety of our youth, parents, and volunteers as we engage in activities.

The health and safety of all Scouts, Scouters, staff, and visitors at all NCAC activities like meetings, service projects, Wood Badge, OA, and NYLT remains our top priority.

These protocols do not supersede the Scouting America Scouter Code of Conduct, Guide to Safe Scouting, or Youth Protection.

NOTE: Scouting America programs and activities have an element of risk. The Annual Medical and Health Record (AMHR), Part A, provides the Informed Consent, Release Agreement, and Authorization, which one either signs on behalf of themselves or the parent/guardian of the youth.

Consistent with the end of the COVID-19 national emergency, the NCAC COVID-19 policy is rescinded.

The following provides the updated NCAC Post-COVID Guidance: 

  1. Continue to use the Pre-Event Medical Screening Checklist for all activities (Unit, District, & Council).
  2. A mask may be used based on personal preference based on the person’s perceived level of risk for infection based on their recent activities (e.g., attending crowded indoor gatherings with poor ventilation) and their potential for developing severe disease if they are exposed.
  3. Continue frequent handwashing with soap and water.  If hand washing is not available, then the use of hand sanitizer (at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol) should be readily available for use.
  4. Stay up to date on vaccination, including recommended booster doses.
  5. Avoid contact with people who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
  6. In case of any injury (beyond first aid) or illness, promptly report the incident, including (any potential) COVID-19 exposures, using the BSA Incident Reporting requirements.

Local Guidelines

Virus Risk Management Plan

Scout leaders desiring approval to conduct a District or Council level in-person event can find the Virus Risk Management Plan checklist and Approval Template with points-of-contact here.

NCAC Response to COVID-19

As always, your safety and the safety of all our members, volunteers, and employees is our top priority. We know there are questions and concerns about how COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, could affect local Scouting programs in National Capital Area Council. Please know that we are monitoring developments regarding COVID-19 both locally and through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).