The NCAC Conservation Committee exists for one reason: To assist and motivate Scouts and Adults in the design and completion of significant environmental conservation projects.
The fundamental purpose of the Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Awards program is to encourage learning by the participants and to increase public awareness about natural resource conservation. Understanding and practicing sound stewardship of natural resources and environmental protection strengthens Scouting’s emphasis on respecting the outdoors. The goal of this awards program is to encourage and recognize truly outstanding efforts undertaken by Scouting Units, Scouts and Venturers, adult Scouters, and other individuals, corporations, and institutions that have contributed significantly to natural resource conservation and environmental protection.
What the Awards Are
Distinguished Conservation Service Award Individual awards are granted to a member of a Scouts BSA, Sea Scout, or Venturing Unit for exceptional and distinguished service to conservation and environmental improvement.
The Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Awards are presented for distinguished service in natural resource conservation. The award is given in one of three forms. The awards are:
- Youth: Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award
- Adult: Scouting America Distinguished Conservationist
- Organizations and Individuals: Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award Certificate
Required Projects
Applicants for the Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award must plan, lead, and carry out at least two significant projects in two different categories.
The categories are designed, in part, to make conservation awards available to Scouts living in suburban and urban areas as well as those in rural settings, and to acknowledge the growing interest among Scouts and their leaders in actively improving the natural environment within their own communities. These categories also focus on the relationship between environmental abuses in urban centers and their impact in relatively unpopulated, some- times distant, areas.
Eagle Projects May Qualify as Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award projects, too.
Consultation with a Conservation Adviser is indispensable before beginning work towards the award. An Eagle Scout leadership service project may be used as a conservation project if it meets the aims and objectives of the awards program. Applicants are encouraged to involve their unit members in project work and demonstrate Scout leadership.
Why You Need a Conservation Adviser
The council Conservation Committee provides guidance and to identify qualified advisers. The role of the conservation adviser is to guide the young person into selecting significant conservation projects and to coach the youth into preparing, researching, consulting others, designing, planning, and giving leadership to others in carrying out the projects. The adviser must approve the application, indicating that the applicant’s activities have been monitored and ensuring that the projects meet local needs. The applicant’s unit leader must also approve the conservation project.
Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award Project Workbook (PDF)
Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award Application (PDF)
Scouting America Distinguished Conservationist Application (PDF)
Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award Certificate Application (PDF)
How to get involved with the Committee
Conservation Advisors help Youth through the Distinguished Conservation Service Award process but need not be scientists or educators. Any volunteer who takes time to be trained successfully in the program methodology and has a current Scouting America membership and Youth Protection Training can qualify.
Where to find more information
More information related to the Scouting America Distinguished Conservation Service Award Program can be found here.