This committee reviews all applicants for any of the Meritorious Action Awards. If you feel you’ve seen or heard about a “hero” in action, please use the Nomination for Lifesaving or Meritorious Action Award Application and send it or bring it to the:
Marriott Scout Service Center
Attn: Kelly Wratkowski
9190 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814
Recommendation for Lifesaving or Meritorious Action Award
Types of Lifesaving and Meritorious Action Awards:
(NOTE: The type of recognition, if any, will be determined by the NCAC committee or the National Court of Honor, and recognition shall not be given where it appears that the action involved was merely in the performance of duty or the meeting of an obligation)
National/Council awards for lifesaving and meritorious action are made only for outstanding and unusual acts that demonstrate unusual heroism, skill, or bravery and reflect Scouting ideals, based on the following criteria:
- Honor Medal With Crossed Palms. Has demonstrated unusual heroism and extraordinary skill or resourcefulness in saving or attempting to save life at extreme risk to self.
- Honor Medal. Has demonstrated unusual heroism and skill or resourcefulness in saving or attempting to save life at considerable risk to self.
- Heroism Award. Has demonstrated heroism and skill in averting serious injury or saving or attempting to save life at minimum risk to self.
- Medal of Merit. Has performed an act of service of a rare or exceptional character that reflects an uncommon degree of concern for the well-being of others.
- National Certificate of Merit. Has performed a significant act of service that is deserving of special national recognition.
- National Capital Area Council Certificate of Merit. Has performed an exceptional act of service that is deserving of recognition by the National Capital Area Council.
“Heroism” is defined as conduct exhibiting courage, daring, skill, and self-sacrifice.
“Skill” is defined as the ability to use one’s knowledge effectively in execution or performance. Special attention is given to skills earned in Scouting.
- Recommended individual must be a registered youth or adult member of the Scouting America.
- The following supporting information will be submitted with this recommendation (if possible):
- Personally prepared and signed statement by person performing action, describing the incident.
- Personally prepared and signed statement by the rescued person, if any.
- Personally prepared and signed statement by each witness, describing the action as he or she recalls the details. Include the address and phone number of all witnesses.
- Copy of Emergency Service incident report, if any
- Newspaper clippings, etc., which pertain to the case.
Nominations should be submitted to the NCAC within SIX MONTHS of the event to provide time for the Meritorious Awards Committee to review documents, schedule interviews with principals, and complete any recommendations for recognition within the TWELVE MONTH time limit set by the National Court of Honor.
After a completed nomination form with all supporting statements is received, the chairman will acknowledge and schedule a committee meeting for in-person interviews with the principals involved in the action. If the nomination is not acknowledged within three weeks of submission to the Marriott Scout Service Center, the nominator should contact the staff advisor.