The NCAC Conservation Committee promotes an ethic of conservation throughout the Council, providing technical assistance and expertise regarding matters of ecology, conservation, and resource management at NCAC properties.
Conservation is an important part of Scouting’s mission. Your unit might practice conservation by working with qualified experts to remove invasive species, plant trees, reduce runoff into streams, or encourage the regeneration of species under pressure, such as the monarch butterfly or eastern bluebird. The possibilities are endless, and most parks and woodland sanctuaries have land managers who can help you get started.
For youth, the Committee also promotes Scouting’s conservation awards, such as:
- Distinguished Conservation Service Award (DCSA) – presented to Scouting America Youth who perform environmental service that goes beyond the ordinary, over the course of two significant service projects. Youth must work with a trained DCSA Advisor; contact the Conservation Committee for guidance. Projects must remedy well-defined environmental problems using scientific methodologies that result in lasting improvement to the environment. The award also requires youth to earn several merit badges. See our DCSA blog for more information about this award and examples of DCSA projects led by NCAC youth.
- World Conservation Award – an opportunity for individual Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts to think globally and act locally to preserve and improve our environment. This program is designed to help youth members gain awareness that all nations are closely related through natural resources and that we are interdependent with our world environment.
- Conservation Good Turn Award – an opportunity for Cub Scout Packs, Scout Troops, Venturing Crews, and Sea Scout Ships to join with conservation or environmental organizations (federal, state, local, or private) to carry out a Conservation Good Turn in their home communities.
- Conservation rocker patch for the National Outdoor Badge, which is awarded for service to the environment. A gold device may be earned for each additional 25 hours of conservation work. A silver device is earned for each additional 100 hours of conservation work (for example, the first silver device is earned at 125 total hours of conservation work).
- Keep America Beautiful Hometown USA Award – a joint program between Keep America Beautiful Inc. and the Scouting America. It is designed to recognize the outstanding efforts of Scouts in their communities regarding citizenship and environmental improvement.
- Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award – Awarded for completing a certain number of outdoor activities while at Cub Scout camp or day camp. Activities include a nature/conservation project in a Cub’s area.
- National Park Service Scout Ranger Program – The Scout Ranger program invites Scouts of all ages to participate in educational and/or volunteer service projects at national park sites to spark their awareness of the national parks and to provide Scouts with the opportunity to explore the national parks and learn more about protecting our natural and cultural resources. Scouts are awarded certificates.
- Messengers of Peace Award – aims to promote a culture of peace and dialogue for mutual understanding, promote service initiatives led by Scouts, support the development of young people affected by conflict situations, provide further connection to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and connect Scouts around the world in a global network of 20 million Messengers of Peace.
- More details are here: Conservation Awards and Recognitions
Scouters wishing to promote conservation in their District or Unit should contact the Committee Chair (TBA).