Give to Scouting for Food

Scouting for Food (SFF) is the National Capital Area Council of Scouting America’s (NCAC’s) largest annual community service project to help feed families in need by collecting non-perishable food and distributing it to local food pantries and food banks throughout the Washington, DC region.

There are two ways to donate:

1.) The door-to-door campaign takes place on two consecutive weekends. On the first weekend Scouts distribute Post-it™ type notes, fliers, or door hangs at homes throughout their communities to inform the households about the food collection drive and provide specific instructions for the collection in each specific neighborhood. In 2023 this will occur between October 28 and November 5. On the second weekend, the Scouts return to the homes to collect the bags/boxes of food, and then take the food to their local nonprofit food bank or food pantry.

2.) The virtual campaign gives everyone in the Washington, DC region the opportunity to donate through an online campaign: National Capital Area Council Boy Scouts Scouting for Food Virtual Drive – YouGiveGoods (link available soon). Donors can choose the district closest to their home and click on SHOP to purchase the most needed items. A tax receipt will be emailed at check out. All items will be shipped directly to the selected charities.

The goals of the campaign are:

1. Help feed local families in need.

2. Support our mission to inspire young Scouts to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the
Scout Oath and Law”.

3. Inspire our Scouts to continue providing community service and to enjoy living the Scout Oath (“…to help other people at all times, …”), Law (loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, thrifty) and Slogan (“Do a good turn daily”).

Will you help us reach our goal of donating 1 million pounds of food?