The High Adventure Committee (HAC) is dedicated to promoting high-adventure programs in all NCAC districts. Volunteer Scouters, including District High Adventure Coordinators, meet at 7:00 pm on the first Thursday of September through May via Microsoft Teams and may return to meet at the Marriott Scout Service Center. The HAC is responsible for:
- providing information and assistance to NCAC youth and adults on High Adventure program opportunities with vacancies and recent news, including training opportunities
- conducting planning, logistics and training for expeditions to National and regional High Adventure bases with contingent crews from our Council
Registration at the Scouting America National High Adventure (HA) bases listed below begins in the fall (Philmont) or early January for treks a year and a half later. Spaces on NCAC council contingents become available during the year prior to the trek and may have spaces still available as late as the spring of the year of the trek. For information prepared by members of the NCAC High Adventure Committee on BSA National HA bases, NCAC’s Lenhok’sin HA Base and other councils’ HA bases in the Adirondacks, click on the name of the base below.
- Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico – 7, 9, 12 or 21 days backpacking or 8 days on horseback, plus autumn & winter programs
- Northern Tier – 7, 8 or 10 days canoeing leaving from Ely, Minnesota or Atikokan, Canada, plus winter camping or dog sledding near Ely
- Sea Base – 7 days of sailing & snorkeling or SCUBA in Florida Keys or Caribbean, or 4 nights on Big Munson Island
- Summit Bechtel Reserve, Paul R. Christen HA Base in Mount Hope, WV – whitewater rafting, backpack/raft, ATVs, shooting, or combination
- Lenhok’sin High Adventure Base – 5 days backpacking near Goshen Scout Reservation
- Adirondack Scouting America High Adventure Bases (several New York councils) – canoeing, backpacking and climbing
For more information, click here or contact:
HAC Chairman Mark Wray via email or call 703-395-6061
NCAC Staff Advisor Eric Smith via email or call 301-214-9188
or an HAC member from your district or other committee member on the roster.
Additional information is available from the NCAC Aquatics Committee regarding guidelines and requirements for high adventure activities on and in water, including sailing and SCUBA at Sea Base; rafting and kayaking at Summit; and canoeing at Northern Tier, the James River through Lenhok’sin, Maine High Adventure and at other councils’ high adventure bases, some of which are described in the High Adventure Sourcebook Volume 1