On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses through the program based on their year in school, or age. The handbooks are the best resource for understanding what achievements the Scout can and should work towards. Lion, Tiger, Wolf and Bear Scouts programs are geared towards one full school year, while Webelos is an 18 month program. Cub Scouts do not “go back” and work on ranks designed for earlier grade levels, even if missed due to their time of joining. Likewise, Cub Scouts do not “move ahead” to work on the next rank until the completion of the current school year.
Notice about Cub Scout Program UpdatesEffective June 1, 2024, changes to all Cub Scout rank requirements and awards were implemented. It’s official! The Cub Scout program has been updated for the 2024-25 program year. The four areas of improvement are the Bobcat badge, Cub Scout Adventures, Webelos, and Cub Scout Awards. To find out more information regarding the changes, check out the Cub Scout Program Updates Presentation (scouting.org). Check out the Cub Scout Program Updates FAQ 1-3-24 (scouting.org) for answers to some of your questions. Additionally, many of the official weekly #CubChatLive podcasts, starting Nov. 10, 2023, have been devoted to the details on each of these changes. New Den Meeting resources can be found at Cub Scout Adventures (scouting.org). Reach out to your District Advancement & Recognition Chair if you have any questions. |
For Lion through Bear ranks, if the activity is completed outside of the den meeting, the parent, adult partner, or another trusted adult should sign in the boy’s handbook, indicating the Cub Scout has done their best to complete the requirement. The den leader then approves that requirement after consultation with the family or the Scout to confirm completion. If the requirement is completed in a den meeting, the den leader signs in both places. Den leaders may, however, ask an assistant or parent who helps at meetings to play the role of “Akela” and assist with the approvals. For Webelos and Arrow of Light ranks, the den leader signs for approval of all requirements, unless the den leader delegates this responsibility.
Learn more on our national site.
Cub Scout Rank Badges
Kindergartners work toward the Lion rank. Lions join the Pack with their adult partners are just that, partners. They attend meetings together, go on adventures like field trips together, and complete requirements together. Scouts earn the Lion Badge by completing 6 Required Adventures + 2 Elective Adventures. The Adventures are designed to introduce the Scout and family to the Cub Scout program. The requirements to these Adventures can be found in their Handbook, or at Lion Adventures (scouting.org).
First graders work toward the Tiger Badge by completing 6 Required Adventures + 2 Elective Adventures. The requirements to these Adventures can be found in their Handbook, or at Tiger Adventures (scouting.org).
A Scout in the 2nd grade works towards the Wolf Badge by completing 6 Required Adventures + 2 Elective Adventures. The requirements to these Adventures can be found in their Handbook, or at Wolf Adventures (scouting.org).
A Scout in the 3rd grade works to earn their Bear Badge by completing 6 Required Adventures + 2 Elective Adventures. The requirements to these Adventures can be found in their Handbook, or at Bear Adventures (scouting.org).
A Scout in 4th is a Webelos Scout. To earn the Webelos Badge, they must by completing 6 Required Adventures + 2 Elective Adventures. The requirements to these Adventures can be found in their Handbook, or at Webelos Adventures (scouting.org).
A Scout in the 4th grade may earn the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouts by completing 6 Required Adventures + 2 Elective Adventures. The requirements to these Adventures can be found in their Handbook, or Arrow of Light Adventures (scouting.org).